Tuesday 12 June 2012

Feels like yesterday

Feels like yesterday...it's already six months

Akshay's birth star was Dhanishta.They say this star is governed by Vasu, the God of the Flute. This star is known to bring symphony into the lives of others. He sure did bring a lot of music into all our lives. But his song was gone before we could learn the tune.

He used to be shy as a small child of about four or five. We would go to receive him at the Begumpet airport. On spotting us he would make eye contact and smile sweetly and hide behind his mother with his head down. That was only briefly till he was scooped up into our arms and hugged and kissed.

Dhanishta borns are known to have an inherent musical ability and athletic skills. We all have seen his skill in Taekwondo and heard him play Beethoven.

 On his holiday in India he would love spending time at home, busy with his Gameboy, the cartoons and sports channels. He loved Nanima's 'shakkar paras'. On a visit in 2010, Nanima had made a special 'Tricolour' paratha for him.
He was a confident child, mature beyond his age. You can see it in his eyes.

1 comment:

  1. yes can't beleive . still fell he will come running from some where shouting Rose is mine . i will take her out .
