Tuesday 9 January 2018

Cosmic Zen

Akshay is now six years old in his spiritual home. He must be enjoying his outer space explorations. Busy learning all the heavenly lessons by heart. Playing other worldly games. A world devoid of the drama of human life. Experts say, the human soul travels on and through many different planes and dimensions of existence between the period of death and rebirth. Some of these planes and dimensions are in our present universe(Viswa Brahmand) and some are in other universes. Although this fact is mentioned in some of the Indian Tantra astrology literature, and 18 Puranas, Western scientists have only recently found the mathematical evidence of multiverse – multiple universes. It is said that the human soul’s last station is the moon, before it enters the plane of the Earth for rebirth. The plane of the moon is the place for accumulation of all souls, who are ready to reenter the earth for a new birth. No wonder it is said that the Vimottari dasha system based on the moon’s nakshtra at birth is one of the finest predictive tools. Once on earth and after many intermediate phases, the souls select the father and mother with whom maximum rinaanubandhana or karmic debt exists to be born as the child.