Saturday 12 December 2015

When life throws a curve ball

Fourth death anniversary of Akshay brings to the mind what has been said about life, "Life happens when you are busy making other plans." Akshay was planning a birthday celebration for his furry companion Archy and on playing the new XBox game that he had bought, when this event happened. Isn't death like Medusa, that cursed Gorgon monster with a head full of serpents. One look at her turns you into stone...we feel hard, dry and heavy inside and from then on we are ready to weather any battering from life. Research has shown that being unhappy is okay and its not going to shorten your life, and being happy is not going to prolong it either.So its okay to feel like a Grinch every now and then, because life does throw some curve balls that are hard to handle. Its okay to drop a few catches.

Monday 23 November 2015

New Leaf

Our quest for happiness is all consuming. In the process, we find ourselves doing things that are contrary to human experience. We try to shut out all things sad and unhappy and end up doing funny or weird things. Society would have us believe that sadness is unnatural and loss has no place in our lives when it is actually all around us. New age spiritual gurus, friends and well wishers exhort us to move on and not let anything get between us and our smiles. But, experts say that some degree of sadness actually aids imagination and creativity. The sudden loss of a loved person shipwrecks lives, and we are left to gasp in the choppy waters of grief and yet people expect us to come up smiling. So we try to cushion ourselves with whatever we can find, because sadness disintegrates and then decays us. Sadness is like compost which coaxes the new leaf to come out. In moderate doses, it makes us rich with experiences and gets us ready for a new life, on the long road ahead.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Birth Anniversary and a Rare Celestial Event

Today we mark Akshay's fourteenth birth anniversary. Today is Ugadi, our new year day, and Navroz the Iranian new year day too. A time for new beginnings and new resolutions. Memories are what keep us afloat and take us forward. Yesterday some parts of the world witnessed a total solar eclipse, along with a new moon and spring equinox. It was a day of rare celestial events that created a shift in our vibrations and energised the web of life. We are in an eclipse portal now with another total lunar eclipse coming in two week's time. A time for reflection and reconnection.

Monday 9 February 2015

Inspiration from the mundane

January went past without a post. It was too hectic.It needs a lot calm and quiet to post regularly and it is easy to feel uninspired when the season is changing...but art never fails to inspire and lift the spirit. Here are a few priceless inspirations from everyday objects. I would have certainly shared this with Akshay.
Nail clipper dogs
Fork fingers meeting ...ET at lunch!
Way to go Spoon Man!