Tuesday 26 February 2013

Birth and Rebirth

Today is Nanaji's 12th death anniversary. Akshay has not seen him. He was born 23 days after Nanaji passed away. Nanima used to say that he will be reborn in Bahrain - she believed that truly. In fact, from the time he was born Akshay filled the void left behind by Nanaji - we were all so focussed on him.
Today all three of them are not with us in physical form. But their energy forms are with us, in spirit, in thoughts, day and night.

Friday 15 February 2013

Captain Cool

Here's Akshay holding an Iguana and a snake during his holiday in Malaysia.

Notice how matter-of-fact he looks, as if he was holding a box of chocolates! Akshay has recounted this in his travel diary and mentioned it in passing - as if it was a matter of routine! Captain Cool!

That green iguana looks scary doesn't it, with its spiky back and striped tail. But I believe it is an animal with a calm nature and it's a herbivore and grows to about 5 feet in length.. The bright colours are only to scare away any potential  predator. It makes a very demanding pet and needs the right amount of light and heat. I sure hope that was snake a friendly one. Incidentally 2013 is the Year of the Snake according to the Chinese calender.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Pigeon Shower Day

Today is Pigeon Shower Day. Pigeon is an urban bird mostly found in residential buildings and our apartment has its fair share of these birds. Being large in size comparatively they don’t let the smaller birds like sparrows live in their surroundings. 
It’s a cool and refreshing morning,. A light breeze is blowing. There is a nip in the air and the water is cool but the pigeons seem to find it the perfect time for a shower.
At about 8- 8.30 in the morning, they came down in a swoop onto the lawn where the gardener had left the lawn sprinkler on. It is an oscillating sprinkler and makes little pools of water in the lawn.  The pigeon enjoy getting wet, feet, wings and all. In fact they do a thorough job of their shower, they lift up one wing make sure they get their wing pits nice and wet, now the other one very good – a quick shake to get rid of excess water. Now the pigeon is cool and fresh. So nice and so funny to watch!

Akshay would have really enjoyed this.